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  • HT4005
  • LUCKNOW : Memory, Representation and Manifestation

Sriparna Seal


LUCKNOW : Memory, Representation and Manifestation

This studio aims at representing the palimpsestic history of Lucknow extracted from the archives. It is put under the lens to be explored and analyzed. It’s biases are scrutinized and the dominant narratives, problematized. The first module was aimed towards working with the maps of Lucknow, old and new, to trace a unique historiographical perspective of the story of the city, manifested through the curation of a map. The second part of the module focused on studying a forgotten ruinous building and retelling its story. The last module curates an episode of history to be consumed by a select audience.  

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MOD 1A - Introduction

MOD 1A - Historiographical Map

MOD 1A - Map Explained

MOD 1B - Introduction

MOD 1B - Decoding St. Mungo's

MOD 1B - Tracing Decay of St. Mungos

MOD 2 - Introduction

MOD 2 - Process

MOD 2 - Curation Explained

MOD 2 - Curation Explained

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