K Sai Hasita



Despite being a bustling commercial district during the day, Ashram Road is deserted in the evening. The drop in activity is due to a-like landuse that does not cater to different user groups, giving the CBD a somber tone raising concerns about its safety. The project intends to attract visitors to the neighborhood while also acting as a catalyst for future development along Ashram Road thereby increasing activity and vibrancy. A mixed-use building – eat, shop, engage – that can be used by all user groups, well connected to its surroundings, is easy to travel to, and offers engaging activities is developed.

Report Content

Replacing and modifying

Reading scales and Space syntax

Program justification

Site introduction

Evolution of built form

Site plan, Typical floor plans and Corner bay model

Spanning and Bearing iterations

Structural bay assembly and Sectional perspective

Model and Render