Aditi Dhiresh Patalia


Interlinked system of origin and convergence

A hillock and its forest which stands out in the peninsular landscape of saurashtra plateau as an independent entity is an anchor and origin of many systems that flows out and merges with the larger ecosystem. The study is through the lens of hydrology as an interlinked system of origin and convergence. Each zone of convergence holds diverse habitats of flora and fauna which are interlinked and connected through many fragile network. In the further investigation one fauna movement and habitat is traced to understand the continuity and interlinkedness of these system of water and its relationship to forest.  

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Report Content

Recording Landscape | Southern tropical dry deciduous forest and Northern tropical thorn forest(Saurashtra Peninsula, Barda Forest)

Recording Landscapes | Forest sections

Correlating systems | Locating the forest

Correlating systems | Vegetation typologies

Journey to the system | Hydrology as an interlinked system of points of origins and zones of convergence

System Investigation | Locating the system from larger context to forest

System Investigation | Sections through different points of origin and zones of convergence

System Investigation | Sections through different points of origin and zones of convergence

System Investigation | Sections through different points of origin and zones of convergence

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