Sraman Ghosh


Connecting waters

Tropical semi evergreen and grassland forest (Duar floodplains, Kaziranga national park). 

The forest lies in the Duar floodplains. It allows a rich biodiversity and topography, due to its unique geomorphology. Through the lens of many endangered species, the Bengal florican, Eastern swamp deers, the key system for these geomorphic processes is identified as the Wetlands (Beels). The study aims to understand the co existence of many flora & fauna species with connecting waters & river. Also aims to understand its long-term processes & seasonal changes.

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Report Content

Recording landscape | Forest sketches

Recording landscape | Forest sections

Locating the forest | Maps & sections

Correlating system | Understanding vegetation typology

Journey to system | The dominion of the river & its remnants

System investigation | The seasonally dynamic system of Wetlands (beels)

System investigation | Sections of beels presents in different forest typologies

System investigation | Seasonal changes in the beels

Point of pause | Connecting waters | Untouched highgrounds | Discovering the movement of fauna due to seasonal changes from low lying areas to high altitude areas

Point of pause | Connecting waters | Growing & receding