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  • Coalesce - Metro Station in Gheekanta, Ahmedabad

Gajjar Marut Mukeshbhai


Coalesce - Metro Station in Gheekanta, Ahmedabad

The project is the Coalesce of Activities of Civic, Public and Metro. The site is located in dense urban fabric of Gheekanta in Old City of Ahmedabad. The site has numerous building as a traces from various time-lines. Tangible or Intangible, these traces allows us to investigate the complex relationships that exists between past, present and future. The site has  mixed activities of Civic, Commercial and Residential as well.
The Project is a search of Typology of Coalesce of Civic and Public Activity in 21st Century. The search of more open and accessible to all with mixed use and activity.

Report Content

Nolli in Neighborhood, Uprising of Walls & Decoding Transit Typology

Decoding Public Spaces, Vision & Program

Spatial Strategy

Section & Plans






Nolli's Plan