Janhavi Sunilbhai Modh


Reversing a cataclysm

Reviving riparian edge and habitat in post sand mining landscapes

Riparian edges are very complex systems of dynamic nature. River Sabarmati which lies in urban context, is influenced by many direct and indirect human induced disturbances such as P.juliflora invasion, sand mining, waste dumping etc. This has manipulated the ecology of riparian system adversely. Despite that, the amendment is observed as a ray of hope and regenerative potential.
Within the urban fabric, most of the fragmented patches of habitats at a larger context are either small or highly disturbed due to urbanization and anthropogenic pressure. This tends to loss of diverse urban fauna. The site also caters shelter to aquatic fauna in scattered patches. The intent of project is to establish a synergy between riparian ecology and culture of Valad village in context. The project aims to curate a regenerative design that would lessen the negative impacts of P.juliflora to the environment and enhance the biodiversity thriving on the bank of river. It focuses on forming a strong connection between community of Valad village and river's edge, which will in turn reduce disturbances and attract the avifaunal diversity in the post sand mining site. It can be an urban ecological revitalization that can restore the missing links between ecology, people and river.

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Report Content

First impression | Reading and recording the edge | Local context and situation

Local context and situation | Site analysis

Vision for the project | Programming the site

Strategies and Translation

Weaving the edge | Master plan | Establishing synergy between river’s ecology and community of Valad village

Crafting the edge | Part plan | A journey through experiential trails

Refining the edge | Detail 1_Habitat for stork family | Edge resilience and fluxes

Refining the edge | Detail 2_Habitat for water fowls along with experiential trail | Edge resilience and fluxes

Refining the edge | Detail 3_ Shingles bed with islet | Edge resilience and fluxes

Conclusion | Entwined paths