
Faculty: Maulik Oza | Vishnu Thozhur kolleri

Where Material Meets Design

The Material Design studio examines the properties of materials as the starting point for design. Conventionally designers first decide what is wanted and then figuring out how to make it. We ask; what if we designed the other way around?
Students are encouraged to question material usage and explore more sustainable assembly based systems involving timber, bamboo and steel. Methods that optimize the material for its envisioned function.
The exploration begins by studying precedents where innovations in material technologies have expanded our understanding of building craft, structural limits and architecture. By adopting a hands-on approach students will develop keen understanding of the design potential for material combinations based on structural properties, versatility, ease of handling, and will develop options for jointing, and assembly. Through active documentation of the students findings will help in identifying a set of basic design principles or rules.