Deeksha Somaiya


Lost and Found, An architecture Archive

“Re-using an Element VS Re-producing an Element” Based on case studies of Adaptive Re-use buildings, the argument questions the idea of production processes and decisions involving the maker, production technology , the end product and economics.An archive of building elements from abandoned structures can be preserved and retrofitted, processes and materials to reproduce can be researched and tested , catalogue of elements to study their design,their origin and research manufacturing processes. It becomes an information hub for designers to study materials and products.
The site,Teliya Mills, a part of Motilal Hirabhai estate is an industrial ruin which is abandoned since 1945. Once a thriving textile mill, its now in a state of comatose. Its an architectural marvel, with wrought Iron grid to achieve long spans and robust brick facade with Jalis. The hiatus of the establishment has led to the deterioation of the built form, there is an ideal need to revive the site.

Report Content

Art of drawing for the art of argument

Site Model photos

Organisation and expereince on site

Exploded Axonometric



Model photos
