Prochetah Ghosh


Illusions via Materiality

Optical illusions is often used in interior design practices to visually distort and warp a space. The work which was done in this studio focuses on effect of optical illusions in interior spaces through the eye of materiality. The work revolves around the play of light and how it interacts with different materials and how that effect can be used to the advantage of the designer to create the desired experience. The work focuses on materiality and how it can be exploited to create such phenomenon.

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This slide covers the work of the foundation program which focused on the principles of accuracy, precision and tolerance via the medium of drawings and through hands on exercise in a factory workspace setting

Generation of an argument from a matrix of nine interior design case studies relevant to the field of discussion and arriving at a singular, cohesive and strong argument

Role 1 - Era- Adaptive Reuse- Focused on how interior illusion can be brough through materiality in a setting where site holds an important relevance in terms of history and culture. It started with the formation of the infinite helicoid and detailing via orthographic and perspective drawings

Role 1 - Era- Adaptive Reuse- The helicoid fromed the theme for the other images which included its entrance and the end stage of the journey.i.e ascension. It also includes further detailing of the Resindek panels

Role - 2 - Standardization - This role took a typical floor plate of a beam column layout and focused on how interior illusions takes form where there is a precedent program and how that program can coexist with the Da Vinci Exhibition

Role - 2 - Standardization -Further detailinng of the idea is translated into the orthographic, isometric drawings and details

Role - 2 - Standardization -Further detailinng of the idea is translated into the orthographic, isometric drawings and details

Role - 2 - Standardization - Views & Model

Role - 3 - Identity - The identity to the tesselation has been given identity via form and without restriction of the site. The images show the potential of tesselation in illusion and how the interiors can be translated into a futuristic way of theme for interiors

Role - 3 - Identity - The identity to the tesselation has been given identity via form and without restriction of the site. The images show the potential of tesselation in illusion and how the interiors can be translated into a futuristic way of theme for interiors