Aarushi Maharshi



The intent of the project is to bridge a harmony between natural elements like Concrete, Wood, Glass, also to create a connection between Interior and Exterior spaces, keeping in mind the materiality, that is the crux of this studio. This design also deals with symmetry of spaces as well as forms, without loosing the original identity of the space.

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The 'what' and 'how' of a 'Combination Plier'

Conceptual derivations of Interior Materiality through Case Studies and Inferences

Objectifying the need of materiality in a pre-existing site, with new design interventions and technology.

A space designed within another - bringing in the element of Da Vinci's dream machines into the existence of reality.

An exhibition area 'plus' painter's zone, both metaphorically and really, designed for the exhibit of Leonardo's Dream Machines

A two-dimensional display of circulation and fluidity created within a spatial periphery

The interconnection between two levels, and the volumetric display of a space

Materiality of experiential quality ?

Interconnection between contrasting materials and visual continuity

Perforations within a cavity, and the intrinsic detail of circulation