Patel Bhowmi Kiranbhai



The nature of materials and characteristics of the objects when categorized, exchanged, and amalgamated: an unexpected and unseen newly formed hybrid exists. From the start, I have been looking at the "dual" features associated with the individual objects. The terms such as New v/s Old, Expensive v/s Inexpensive, Generic v/s Specific were explored with the material aspects including patterns, textures, surfaces, and forms to make interior elements and spaces. Following these attributes, the work and workspaces of an Incubation center were designed such that they reflect utility and functionality but contrast materiality and circulation.  
Link for the portfolio:

Report Content

Set Design and Snapshots

Objects Catalogue, Hybrid Objects and Volumetric Explorations

Hybrid collage and interior element formed by a paper bag pattern

The pattern continues to make hybrid spaces

Untangling the Site, Program and Audience with research questions: Does form and materials affect functionality and circulation within the space? Does the work and space have to reflect/depend on each other ?

Contextual Plan with Isometric view of the site

Plan at 4 mts and Sectional Perspective

Vignettes of Incubation Centre

Engagement of community with Workshop area

Workshop used for pottery and weaving