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  • T R A N S V E R S E: A Winding path to Solace

Aayush Mrunalkumar Doshi


T R A N S V E R S E: A Winding path to Solace

TRANSVERSE- 'A Winding path to Solace' a Travelers home situated in Sri Lanka on the edge of stream. Concept is to create a home which has lightness and transparency in terms of spatial connection inspired from semi-open spaces of Sri Lanka. One ingress space through transverse pathway which responds to contours of site creating different levels. Transverse axis is further evolved into creating public, semi-public and private spaces. Concept of transparency is used to create a central focused space integrating a installation viewed from all spaces. Program caters to designers, craftsmen who are open to collaborate in laps of nature.https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOboUerQ=/?invite_link_id=646376419556

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Site impressions translating into abstract models

Diagrams showing response to site context

Plan showing axis(street) spatially connecting to different levels (spaces)

Plan showing spatial connection of private spaces to water body

Section showing roof angle responding to light, Ventilation and stream

Illustration showing character of spaces through different activities

Cross section showing spatial connection of water body to private spaces

Views showing different activities

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