
Faculty: Dhara Mittal | Nishant Mittal

Designing Water Infrastructure for Civic Expression

"Designing Water Infrastructure for Civic Expression” investigated the many natures and scales of water, and developed an approach to documentation, representation and design techniques to render visible a new collective imagination around water in the city of Ahmedabad and its hinterlands (the built and natural watershed). Through the studio the students investigated multiple typologies of built and natural infrastructures that enable/ disable our engagement with water. Building progressively, they established the relationship of the urban center to its fringes and hinterlands. Consequently, flipping the order from out back to the center, they critiqued and questioned the banality of muted infrastructures. Finally, strategically selecting a scale and typology to intervene with, the students demonstrated the idea of using infrastructure as a medium of civic expression and more importantly public life. Through a series of seminars and workshops, class participants worked incrementally to establish multi-scalar relationships, from the scale of the building, to the city fringes and the territory. Link to studio work :https://www.dwice.online/