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  • Nikol : A Mix of Industrial & Residential Neighbourhood

Lekhadia Mihir Manish


Nikol : A Mix of Industrial & Residential Neighbourhood

Cities go through transitions from time to time. The transition of the cities depends on various factors but majorly the economic activity is the driving force which transforms a city. Nikol has gone from Agricultural to Non-Agricultural Precinct and Industrialization is a major for influencing development in the area leading to Urbanization. Nikol gam is the oldest settlement in Nikol area and it is fascinating to see how different factors has led to gradual development of it’s infrastructure, Housing and Roads networks while still retaining its characteristics.

Report Content

Overview of Precinct

Why Nikol is the way it is today?

Streets used as Public Realm

Identification of Typologies

Public Transport Connectivity of Nikol th

Connectivity within & Street Character

Travel Patters of people

Informal Job Centers

Waste Collection

Water Supply