Rajiv Babu


Parimal Garden, A Desirable Precinct

Cities all over the world are different. Ahmedabad is different in is own way, with Sabarmati River splitting the city into two, East and West. Eastern part of the city has the older part of the city, whereas the West form the newer part. There are multiple lenses through which cities may be analysed. Through the studio “Understanding the City”, the city of Ahmedabad was analysed through 12 different lenses. The 1 km2 study area, Parimal Garden lies in the western part of Ahmedabad. It is one of the prime areas based on its location, and is an affluent neighbourhood. The study looks at the different aspects that make the precinct desirable, by looking at the built characteristics, the people and their jobs and finally, the garden and the public spaces.  

Report Content

Building - Street Interface

The well used garden

Parimal Garden, The Garden Precinct

Residential Typologies

Well Connected Road Networks

What next?

Streets, the major public realm

Streets and edges

Activities on the edges

Visibility from the street affects the usage of the garden