Swashya Suresh


Stagnancy of an otherwise dynamic Khadia

The precinct situated between Jama Masjid and the Kalupur Railway station has shaped up over the years according to the various changes that have occurred. Over these 20 years, the riots, the earthquake and the declaration of Old City as a UNESCO World Heritage site have changed the area. Unlike some areas that undergo vertical expansion by renovation and land acquisition, the precinct has stayed true to its roots and retained its identity by preserving the buildings it contains. While this helps in the Heritage stance- it sparks a question as to why the area has not developed over time. A relationship can be drawn between the income levels of the people residing in the area, the plot sizes, the job opportunities and the overall economy of the area.

Report Content

Job opportunities 2

Introduction 2


Urban character 2

Introduction 1

History 1

Urban Character 1

Job opportunities 1

Public Realm
