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  • The story of an informal precinct of Shahpur-Dariyapur

Amrutha Balan


The story of an informal precinct of Shahpur-Dariyapur

A city has its functional ,spatial and agglomerative pattern to it which developed eventually based on the determinants affecting it for a change. Ahmedabad as it co exits with old and new settlement patterns, the east of Sabarmati riverfront marking the old city and the new city to the west .Both the urban settings have its own identity in terms of typology,built use,FSI,building heights,spatial fabric,etc.These characteristics were studied in the Understanding the city Studio of Foundation studio,2019. In the old Ahmedabad to the east lies the neighbourhood of Shahpur -Dariyapur well connected to the west through the Sabarmati River by the Gandhi Bridge.The study is conducted based on the spatial and economic development of the precinct understanding its historic evolution and the determinants that led to the informal setting of the precinct as experienced today. The precinct  has more of an informal urban fabric compared to the west .The major job centres orient in the informal sector and the main source of income is also dependent on the informal sector .The people are highly dependent on the precinct for their livelihood as majority of the population works in the informal sectors within and around the precinct and this also makes it a walkable precinct for commuting.

Report Content

An Overview



Enumeration of informality

Spatial Fabric

Spatial Fabric

People and economy

People and economy

People and economy
