Aishwarya Shekar



 A city is a complex system that constitutes a diverse set of layers of functional, psychological and agglomerative patterns that overlap through various perspectives.
The Sabarmati River cuts Ahmedabad into east and west, as well as old and new respectively; having different typologies, densities, infrastructure, etc. The amalgamation of analysis of these lenses with respect to each other derives a synthesis of the city as a system. The precinct documented in this publication lies in Sabarmati; to the North West of Ahmedabad. There is a stark contrast between the eastern and western side of Ahmedabad, a similar dichotomy can be noticed in this precinct which has emerged due to socio-economic and cultural factors. Being a predominantly residential neighbourhood, it hasn’t undergone any major physical transformation which can be evidently seen through its urban form. The publication looks at the precinct through the lens of contrast between the two spatially segregated areas within Sabarmati.

Report Content

Sabarmati, a Dichotomy

Overview: Understanding Sabarmati on a Macro Level

Disparities in the Urban Form

Horizontal Development

Spectrum of Land Prices

Inter-Relationship Between Income and Choices

Housing Constraints and Jobs

Differences in Street Patterns and Connectivity

Quality of Public Realm
