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  • UP4002
  • Naranpura: An Affluent Residential Neighbourhood

Atma Deep Dutta


Naranpura: An Affluent Residential Neighbourhood

Naranpura is situated in the western part of Ahmedabad along the western bank of Sabarmati River. Initially, it had predominant agricultural land but with various policy interventions, social, cultural, and political changes, the area transformed into a primarily residential area. It was included in the Residential Zone R-1 in the Ahmedabad Development Plan 2011. The proposed metro transit corridor passes through Naranpura making the area a Transit Oriented Development Zone with higher permissible FSI. The area has very good connectivity and moderately well walkability. It is undergoing transformation at a rapid pace and distinct change in built form.

Report Content

Locating Naranpura

Aerial View of Naranpura

History and Evolution of Naranpura

Changes in Built Form from 2000 to Present Day

Streets of Naranpura

Mathematical Parameters to Measure Connectivity and Walkability

Section of Various Street Types

Built Form in Naranpura

Residential Typology and Its Interaction with Streets

Use and Misuse of Land