R K Nivedhitha


Rakhial - A Cohesive Community

Rakhial is one of the high dense locality in east Ahmedabad which is a Industrial-Residential precinct. The portfolio is documented fundamentally based on the livelihood of  the residential community and their coiled relationship with the surrounding streets and public spaces. The social structure and building typology creates an activeness in the precinct. Hence the study conducted will theorize URBAN VITALITY which is the measure of activeness in a given space. The Project  document aids in understanding different components such as built forms, public spaces and streets which act as catalyst in inducing Urban Vitality in the precinct.

Report Content

A Cohesive Community

Evolution of Rakhial

Transformation of the Precinct

Urban Vitality

Permeability is a key to Urban Vitality

Built Typology as a Catalyst to Vitality

Influence of Built forms

Informality Stimulates Liveliness

Street as a Catalyst

Why Rakhial is a high dense Precinct?