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  • UP4002
  • Socio-Political Stimulus in Urban Morphology

Ahmed Sadeed T M


Socio-Political Stimulus in Urban Morphology

Urban morphology refers to the study of formation of human settlement and the process of their transformation (Moudon). While urban transformations are driven by multitude of factors such as economy, geography, climate, natural resource etc, socio-cultural and political economy also play a role in urban transformations (Marlene and Kathlene). They can manifest in various ways such as civic participation, political decisions, socio-demographic changes etc. This portfolio explores the socio-political stimulus in urban morphology as observed in the 1sqkm of Thousand Lights area in Chennai.

Report Content

Corridors and Flyovers

Introduction to the study

Brief Primer on Colonial Urbanism

Remnants of Colonial Urbanism

Post-Colonial Business Distric

Detroit of India

Mecca of Healthcare

Post 2000 Trends

Corridor Metropolitan to Pedestrian City
