Satvi Himanshu Suresh Shubhangi


Spatial Pattern of the Urban Fringes

 Indian cities unlike the western are not planned; they evolve in layers as a testimony to a different period. The settlement may be organic, with heterogeneity yet very well reflects the interwoven social fabric. As a result of urbanization, the urban sprawl is approaching the rural hinterlands. The line of distinction is fading away between urban and rural. The portfolio is about understanding the Rurban fringes of Ahmedabad city. We begin by identifying how the eastern periphery of the city has emerged through various factors for becoming the residential hub for the migrants. Further studies on the socio and physical factors provide evidence to claim “Vastral” has the sense of community that has evolved with time. The challenges that are a result of the peripheralization are finally analyzed to build an informed perspective on the Rurban fabric of Vastral in East Ahmedabad.  

Report Content

Cover Page

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Ahmedabad and its Transformation

Choice of Migration


Vastral and its Evolution

Community and Builtform

Predominantly Residential

Play within compressed Rurban Fabric