Hirpara Sapan Nirav


The Apprehensive City

The character of the neighborhood of Nehrunagar in Ahmedabad is that of a quiet residential area with the various typologies of houses, mostly consisting of upper middle class gated communities formed over a period of over five decades. The area of the neighborhood is a one-kilometer slice of land occupied by dense residential buildings as well as some large chunks of vacant land parcels owned by both public as well as private stakeholders. The main road named after an elite citizen is now known as the Surendra Mangaldas road that cuts this neighborhood from the center in an east-west orientation; and hosts one of the busiest landmark traffic junctions of the city - The Nehrunagar crossroads. 

Report Content


Geopolitical and economical context

The story of Nehrunagar

The apprehensive city

Trends across Ahmedabad

Spatial changes in Nehrunagar

Shift in Character

Shift in Interface

Shift in Interface