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  • The making of Peri-Urban areas in Eastern Ahmedabad

Arushi Gupta


The making of Peri-Urban areas in Eastern Ahmedabad

Peri-urban areas, suburb, fringe, outskirts are some of the terms used to describe growth outside the planned city extent. It is mainly identified by a fragmented built fabric, vacant plots and agricultural land. Vastral is an area under transformation due to the pressures of urbanization leading to auto construction of spaces. Common logics of growth are also challenged  as the city engulfs villages on its periphery and offer a  myriad possibilities of change. The peripheries develop individual character yet, continues to be influenced by the city. The interface of the city and the village has the same characteristics throughout city.

Report Content

First impression, locating Vastral

Urbanization in Vastral and other peripheral precincts

Street morphology, accessibility and Walkability

Publicness and accessibility

Characteristics of a peri-urban area


City- Village Interface

Parallel Identities