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  • UP4001-2
  • Rajkot TPS | Channelizing Growth with Ecological Balance

Kriti Khetrapal


Rajkot TPS | Channelizing Growth with Ecological Balance

The Studio aims at focusing and understanding the micro level planning and its implementation through TP Schemes and Local Area Plans. The site selected for formulation of TP Scheme is located near Smart City Node Rajkot on the western side of the city along the 2nd ring road and  Jamnagar Highway. The studio was divided in 4 iterations starting the existing situation analysis, zonal delineation, envisioning a concept for proposals and regulation on zonal level. Further a TP Scheme is identified and detailed out through land appropriation, reconstitution and further costing and valuation.

Report Content

Area Development Model: Portland

Market Feasibility Study

Existing Situation Analysis: Rajkot

Zonal Delineation

Concept & Proposals

Zoning & Development Regulations

TPS Delineation

Reservations, Appropriation & Reconstitution

Envisioned Built Form