Eilaaf Fatima Ansari


Urban Node in Periphery-TP Scheme Telav-Sanathal

A selected area in the western periphery of Ahmedabad is analyzed and studied for which initially a zonal plan is proposed. Further a town planning scheme of 2.4 sq.km. from this zonal proposal is recognized for which land appropriation, reconstitution and valuation is done. The target was to develop the area into a mixed-use residential neighborhood through TP scheme ensuring benefit to the landowners as well as to the authorities by providing reconstituted, accessible and develop-able plots with all amenities. 

Report Content

Understanding Micro-level Planning through a Case Study

Market Feasibility Study of Bimanagar, Ahmedabad(West)

Analyzing the Site Context and Existing Situation Analysis

Envisaging Telav-Sanathal as a Mixed-use Residential Node

Controlling Density through Development Control Regulations

Characterising Telav-Sanathal: Through Town Planning Scheme

Interventions, Strategies and Principles for Appropriation and Reconstitution

Envisioned Character of Proposed TP Scheme

Fiscal Attributes: Costing, Valuation and Revenue

Phasing and Studio Reflections