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  • Abhigamyata Aur Apnapan: Access and Belonging

Radhika Maitra


Abhigamyata Aur Apnapan: Access and Belonging

When thinking of a traffic-heavy site such as Pakwan Junction, the lack of accessibility immediately comes to mind, especially for the user group of elderly and disabled people. However, after mapping and analysing the site, a much deeper problem came forward - the lack of a sense of belonging.
This project aims to include: 1. Accessible and affordable healthcare for all, but especially for the elderly and the disabled people, and 2. A space for rest and recreation, which encourages interaction with others as well as physical exercise to foster a sense of belonging. 
Apart from this, green space has been maximised to combat air pollution due to vehicular emissions and improve mental wellbeing, elements like ramps, tactile paving and no level difference have been incorporated to ensure accessibility, and the vendors present on-site have been included as well.

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Report Content

Neighbourhood mapping: Understanding how to make a physical traces map

Mapping of Pakwan Junction: Movement of people and vehicles at different times of the day

Analysing the site: Looking at how the spatial and material aspects of site affected the user group of elderly and disabled people

Analysing the site: Following the narratives of people living on site, understanding their circulation and looking at accessible design

Design Strategies: Listing out things to include, ways of ensuring accessibility and making diagrams to understand circulation

Plan of proposed design

Isometric view of proposed design

Elevation and zoomed-in views showing details

Section AA', showing the Public Toilet and the Mohalla Clinic together

Section BB' and CC', showing the Mohalla Clinic and the Public Toilet along with the flyover