Vadher Mitali Dilip


Amalgamation of Body, Memory and Space

Consciously bringing memories, emotions and associations with spaces in to the design process, architecture across scales was explored in the studio process. Starting with creating spaces of solitude, intimacy and congregation in a pit, the design evolves to become a home for my childhood self and my family. In the final stage, it becomes a small institution. The three designs are a result of meticulous processes which focused on recollecting childhood memories, associations, inhabiting the spaces and reflections on the processes. 

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Three exercises of the first module involved sketching spaces of solitude, intimacy and congregation from memory, observed spaces and a distant place ( Adalaj Step-well)

My Secret Place is the initiation of a three stage design process. Spatial elements are employed to create spaces of solitude, intimacy and congregation in this imaginary 6m deep abandoned construction site.

This case study analyses the Adalaj Step-well through 15 different parameters to understand various dimensions of its architecture.

This graphic novella is a collection of my memories and associations with my childhood home. A mix of reality and fiction, this novella is my personal brief for the design of My Childhood Home.

My Childhood Home is the second stage of the process where the Secret Place emerges out as a house for me and my family.

Exploded axonometric drawing, photographs of 1:75 scale model and 1:100 scale volumetric soap model

In the final stage, the house becomes a small institution for yoga and mindfulness.

Sections, elevations and a volumetric site model

Exploded axonometric drawing, wall section and photographs of 1:75 scale model

Visual and Spatial Representation exercises were a part of the studio process. They focused on building representational skills and adding the layer of inhabitation to the drawings.