Nishanth Krishna


The Interlace

Thakore Bhai Hall is located in a prime locality of Ahmedabad. It is the most used drama hall in the city that hosts events daily with a seating capacity of 721. The area is a highly mixed-used one and is one of the main public leisure spots of the city. The site's immediate context is very active throughout the day and its character changes throughout where one of the functions becomes more prominent. It is surrounded by many other famous and old institutions it is the most utilized performance space of the city. The design brief is to re-design Thakor Bhai hall considering the present issues faced by the hall and its immediate context. The primary function remains the same i.e the auditorium and other secondary functions can be incorporated into the new Program

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Concerns and program formulation

Major Axis and Spatial Strategy

Site plan

Floor Plans




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The Interlace