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  • AD4010
  • Urban Sanctum - Habitat for Social-economic resilience

Satere Siddhesh Ashish Vidya


Urban Sanctum - Habitat for Social-economic resilience

Today’s housing system is clearly rigid and unaccommodating, but is it too rigid to hold back it’s potential to act as a resourceful entity in terms of Economic/work and health/livability? How are we addressing the issue? The program explores an opportunity to provide social & economic sustenance to this housing. Each contributing in their unique way to the flexibility of this housing, specifically in co-living, social interactivity, service sectors, public transport, and many other resourceful activities. The above-mentioned material technologies, orientation, placement, and many other factors being active factors in this sustainable vision. The design process is cantered around environmental sustainability & how it could be achieved with better space management & could be further converted as a resource generator from the grassroots level & providing retail, commercial, co-working and home studios for economic sustainability.  

Report Content

Time line

Key issues & Challenges


Site study

Site plan

Basement plan

Unit design strategies

Unit plans

Area statement & Site section
