Ajmera Ansh Viral



One material is a limitation given to understand the potential and opportunities a material can provide through its physicality which can allow one to question, experiment and discover ways one can think of the material used as spatial elements; door, window, staircase, exhibit unit in space making process. Each spacial element studied and questioned to recognize its identity at micro (detailing) and macro (form) level in response to its structural requirements based on program, site access point and material possibilities and experimentation. Hence art of detailing is the skill to perceive opportunities, understand, resolve and articulate things at micro-scale which are responsible for the functioning and structural beauty at macro-scale. 

High Resolution Portfolio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GvPhJuePM_dWATVNHWkp2BcFEauHyqot/view?usp=sharing

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JOINERIES : Understanding bamboo as material and a way of construction. Here three joineries were choosen based on the primarily possibilities of Bamboo used and can be used in connections. 1.Bamboo-metal junction 2. Bamboo-bamboo traditional method 3. Bamboo as strips

DOOR DOCUMENTATION : Understanding door as a spacial element, identity maker, differciator of realms and addressing attributes / analysis to each typology of door used at.

PROPOSED DOOR : Designing and detailing the door for the proposed space keeping in mind the context, approach and using design analysis from documentation done in the previous exercise.

WINDOW DOCUMENTATION : Understanding window as a spacial element, identity maker, inside-outside connect and addressing attributes / analysis to each typology of window used at.

PROPOSED WINDOW : Designing and detailing the window for the proposed space keeping in mind the context, function, spacial requirements and using design analysis from documentation done in the previous exercise.

STAIR DOCUMENTATION : Understanding stair as a spacial element, access, form, structural integrity and addressing attributes / analysis to each typology of stair used at.

PROPOSED STAIR : Designing and detailing the staiircase for the proposed space keeping in mind the placement, function, structural integrety and using design analysis from documentation done in the previous exercise

PROPOSED STAIR : Asking the relationship and purpose of part to whole components and defining the staitcase as integreted system made up of modules and components resulting in structural aesthetics.

PROPOSED ELEMENT : Designing and detailing the exhibit element for the proposed space keeping in mind the form of space, usage, Fast assembly and using design analysis from documentation done in the previous exercise.

PROPOSED ELEMENT : Standardisation and similarity of junction was an important aspect for fast assembly of product. Hence a kit of parts was designed and a form that can vary itself with respect to requirements.

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