Sanklecha Dhwani Manoj


Patterns of the Shell

Implying the learnings from the book 'Poetics of Spaces' by Gaston Bachelard, this projects aims to create a dwelling in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. This oneiric home has been made by keeping in mind all the aspect. The oneiric feeling that I am chasing is creating a dream home in a seashell and feel connected with the surrounding. This is the journey from finding an appropriate shell, to developing it into a dwelling. 

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To create an immaculately detailed image of an intimate space of the home capturing all perfections and imperfections.

To make sketches depicting the story/memory/narrative behind everyday household elements.

To make sketches depicting the story/memory/narrative behind everyday household elements.

To research about animal dwelling in your habitat and then depict its habitation through sketches.

To create a sublime metaphor describing the oneiric feeling that is being chased in the dream home.

To create collages that depict the oneiric feeling that is being chased in these spaces.

To depict the poetic rituals/ activities that are performed by the character in the dwelling in accordance to the Oneiric Feeling.

To depict the dwelling in its totality with scale, edge conditions, texture, context and rituals.

To create a graphic novel depict the story of making of the oneiric home.

To create a graphic novel depict the story of making of the oneiric home.

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