Joshi Helee Mehul


Cut, Shift and Gold

The buildings resemble severe structural damage such as dislocation, internal tearing, and impurity, or deviation, from the structural order which is regarded as opposing or rather, threatening the former values of harmony, unity and stability. The warehouses propose a new view of structure; that the flaws are intrinsic to the structure, and thus cannot be removed. Uprooting concepts and tools from their original context and applying them elsewhere favours adaptive thinking and unprecedented, hybrid solutions. To break the ever-present stereotype that gold is used to signify luxury and affluence, the structures are gold. 

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Photo narrative of the workspace.

In an unobvious way the object is assembled and then adding a material which has very different properties is passed through and through to show the flow .The use of gold foil has been prominent in my hand done 3d collage.

Hybrid Objects explores the space between two and three dimensions through work which takes elements from both drawing and sculpture to create new forms. The resulting pieces are a hybrid of the two genres: two-dimensional pieces which engage the physical space by cutting shifting.

Working within a crossover framework entails daring to combine unexpected elements, coordinating concepts that may not traditionally fit together.

Site and the drawings.

These are some of the conceptual drawings, which shows the tangential lines and the positioning of each floor, in this you can see just how the rods which are filled in the seams go. Which shows the skeleton on the building. This language is followed in the entire workspace.

Views of the coworking space.

Views of the coworking space.

Views of the coworking space.

Views of the coworking space.