Gatkhane Aniket Hiralal


System Development Methodology/Migration

The studio journey started with understanding and creating manufacturing details through designing handles. It progressed through understanding different forms of materials such as linear, planar & bulk, and designing products such as a handle using linear & planar materials and wall lamp using bulk materials. A space model comprising all the products with respect to Space | People | Products system was designed to understand the scale and manufacturing of the products. Product designed for specifically injection molding process. The major exercise was to culminate all the learnings into mass manufacturing a product.

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Learning to represent manufacturing details in drawings and understanding different forms of materials such as linear, planar and bulk.

Applying the previous learnings and designing an handle with linear and planar materials.

Applying the previous learnings and designing an handle with bulk materials.

Space | People | Product - The exercise involved understanding the products, analyzing and designing a space including a set of products.

The exercise involved studying and applying the design for manufacturing principles for injection molding.

This major project involves applying all the learnings at this stage and redesigning the sun shading system for residential spaces to mass manufacture 25000 products.

This exercise forms a basis for manufacturing a prototype.

At this stage the details are reiterated and applied to form material estimation and derive a unit cost of each component.

Each and every stage of assembling the product at the factory.

The process planning involves forming and iterations of plans to mass manufacture and assemble the components at the factory efficiently. The color, materials and finishes achieved are nearest to the product design specifications and involves real representation of product and its components through renders.

Project Video