Saloni Nathan



The walls and barriers in the site are the character of kamala mills today. It’s deprivation of connectivity and nature of inaccessibility could be related to the heavy dominance of private ownership. The high end development has led to a huge disconnect with nature and social segregation amongst people as it caters to a specific strata of society. The vision for the site is therefore to break the notion of exclusivity which over the years has shaped the city of Mumbai and to make it amiable to the public such that it caters to every section of the society making it inclusive . The project aims to create spaces optimizing the FSI  , ground coverages and other regulations thus creating a symbiotic relationship between the built and the open for it to be people oriented and all the corresponding elements like trees , informal shops etc. have been designed keeping in mind the needs of the people of Kamala mills today .

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Mumbai City's demographic and historical analysis. It follows a time line which aims to portray how the laws and regulations have evolved and changed the city over time .

Understanding the aspirations of people of Mumbai and how Kamala Mills is presently becoming more and more exclusive and not so people oriented , due to which there have been a lot of problems of concern like huge fire hazards & disruption of blue green infrastructure.

Categorization of principles and strategies based on the analysis of Kamala Mills and other case studies which would then be used to make the detailed urban forms more inclusive for all .

The site has been designed in 2 ways : Free Design and Constraint design. Free design is presented using the manifesto and my own regulations and the constraint design was executed using the set given regulations . Both type of designs have 5 major Urban Conditions developed using various plot details .

UC1 (Block) : This urban condition shows the relationship between a larger open space and a commercial block.

UC2 (Block) : This urban condition is an amalgamation of 2-3 land use and it also explains how the lack of open space or housing negatively affects on the neighborhood scale .

UC3 (Open Space) : This urban condition focuses of landscape regulations and the ways to make the user experience rich in an open space .

UC4 (Junction) : This urban condition gives a detailed understanding of how regulations directly affect street design which indirectly affects the possible interactions and activities that take place on and around a street

UC5 (Edge) : This urban condition shows how the edge responds to the built fabric and the other street elements and how all of it comes together as a user experience .

After scrutinizing all the UCs of both kinds of designs and their non negotiables , the final approach comes together as a blend of inclusive urbanism and polycultural urban forms.