Vagadiya Anuj Pravinbhai


3D Printable Concrete

This studio was pointed toward building up a comprehension of concrete as an adaptable material. Investigating various properties of concrete and upgrading it for a unique reason in everyday life. The main objective of this studio was to enable students to identify the right grade and type of concrete for different applications and suitable products. It provides comprehensive coverage of the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject and includes the latest developments in the field of concrete construction. The studio has been planned so that it furnishes students with a nitty-gritty comprehension of concrete as a material for development and different elements of it. 
The last exercise of the studio contained making an extraordinary special Concrete item that can be utilized in day-to-day life. We explored ongoing issues all throughout the world and discovered an answer by making the special concrete that would overcome the particular issue and become a valuable asset. The entire remarkable experience and working with concrete can substitute understanding rather than simply perusing out about concrete in books and hypotheses. 
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Report Content

Studio Premise & Studio Introduction

Raw Material Testing - Cement/Sand/Coarse Aggregate

Concrete Volume Batching M20 & M25

Concrete Volume Batching M20 & M25

Special Materials That Can Be Used In Concrete

Concrete Mix Design Calculation / Research Paper Summary

Common Project - Studio Logo Design & Execution

Common Project - Studio Logo Design & Execution

3 Researched Special Concrete

3D Printable Concrete