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  • Hridaypur : An Organic Development in Kolkata Suburb

Pronab Biswas


Hridaypur : An Organic Development in Kolkata Suburb

Hridaypur is a small town in Barasat municipality of North 24 Parganas district in West Bengal. It is close to Kolkata and falls within the Kolkata Metropolitan Area or Greater Kolkata. It’s an organic development of predominantly dense heterogeneous residential fabric. The main determinant of development here is connectivity. A lot of people are migrating to Hridaypur because of low property prices and efficient public transport system. In this portfolio the study and analysis of the one square kilometer precinct at Hridaypur have been demonstrated and synthesized along with two other precincts of KMA. 

Report Content

City Context

Introduction to the precinct

Street Character

Network Analysis

Physical Transformation

Built-Unbuilt-Open Spaces

Land Use & Residential Building Typology

Urban Form

Increasing Property Demand

Challenges of Organic Growth