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  • Rental Housing in Surat: For all income groups

Aitawdekar Nupur Amol Namrata


Rental Housing in Surat: For all income groups

The studio is based on the development of housing strategy for the city of Surat located on the western part of India, in the state of Gujarat. The study includes preparing a baseline profile of the city and its housing market, building future growth scenarios, and developing a conceptual framework of enabling and provisionary sub-strategies based on income pyramid. Surat has high demand for rental housing on account of rapid urbanisation, increased migrant influx and housing unaffordability issues. To ensure adequate supply of affordable rental units to all income groups, a strong regulatory framework along with provisionary support has been proposed, based on social, need-based and market-based rental housing to diversify and regulate rental housing market.

Report Content

Introduction to the Studio | Aim and Objective

Situation assessment | Introduction to Surat

Envisioning the Future: Surat 2035

Bundle of Sub - Strategies | Demand & Supply Side Issues

City housing strategy: Vision, Principles & Challenges | Introduction to Sub-strategy for Rental Housing

Review of Current Policies | Case Studies | Alternative Solutions for Enabling Sub-strategy: E4

Alternative Solutions for Enabling Sub-strategy: E4

Alternative Solutions for Provisionary Sub-strategy: P7

Capital Investment Plan | Prioritization & Phasing

Institutional & Reforms Framework | Inference : Reflections & Learning Outcomes