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  • Urban Regeneration: Raipur Bazaar, Walled city,Ahmedabad

Apoorva G


Urban Regeneration: Raipur Bazaar, Walled city,Ahmedabad

Market Street Stretches of historic cities often undergo many transformations and changes in use, however the rapid change in fabric as a result of uneven developments creates a loss of cultural assets on-site. Due to out-migration and the after-effects of the pandemic, there are many shophouses that lay vacant in the primary commercial stretch while commercial activities ingress into the pols, recommendations can be given to revive these stretches. 
The Studio began with a 2 week exercise to critically read and analyze the World Heritage (WH) Site of the Historic City of Ahmedabad which formed the base for individual work. This exercise was done in groups of 2-3 students. Click on the button below (view additional work) to view the group's work.   

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Report Content

1. Site Introduction

2. Historical Timeline

Cultural Mapping

Value Assessment and Statement of Significance

Analysis of Existing elevation stretches

Stakeholder Consultation and Legal regulations that may apply to site

Issues on site and Proposal Intervention