Chauhan Viral Kiritbhai



The age of Ahmedabad exceeds 600 years. Today, Ahmedabad is known for its "old city" and "walled city" origins. Shahpur is 1.8 kilometers from the income tax office(city Centre) and is situated on the eastern bank of the Sabarmati River . Understanding the city involves looking at the built environment, streets, land use, and public realm. In this, we examined the precinct from top to bottom. The bulk of the population works in the informal sectors within and around the precinct, making it a walkable precinct for the community. As a result, the people are strongly dependent on the precinct for their livelihood.

Report Content

Introduction of Shahpur

Evolution of Shahpur

Evolution of Shahpur

Life At Street

Life At Street

Life At Street

Household Formation

Household Formation

Study of Public Realm-Bhadra Street

Property Price of Shahpur