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  • Understanding the city: Through Anandnagar Road

Sreenidhi Parasuram Iyer


Understanding the city: Through Anandnagar Road

The portfolio attempts to provide an understanding the city through the lens of a one- sq km precinct in the western part of Ahmedabad called Anandnagar Road. The precinct has had lot of residential and commercial development in the last 15-20 years despite which we find a lack of public transport infrastructure in the precinct. The portfolio aims to walk through the various aspects that involve the planning of a city and how people make choices based on jobs and household residence. This give an overview of what the newly developing areas of Ahmedabad are emphasizing.

Report Content

Introduction to site and reading satellite imagery

History and timeline of development

Walkability in the precinct

Poor cycle infrastructure

Build form and housing typology

Land use and per capita spac

Public realm and activity mapping

Water supply and solid waste management

Housing choices based on surveys

Overview of the precinct's need for public transport despite having adequate housing stock and job opportunities.