
Faculty: Harshul J Parekh

Textile Waste Management for Surat City

The enormous amount of waste generated by the various industries pose challenge for those
who are concerned with environment. The haphazard and unorganized waste handling leads
to pollution, health hazard, and waste. The non-scientific handling of waste can be organized to
generated products that generate revenue and also solve environmental issue.
The textile industry is a major contributor of the development of Surat city. The textile
production and sales is steadily increasing due population growth and demand. However, the
enormous amount of waste generated by textile industries and related operations is matter of
concern. Improper handling and irregular disposal of textiles waste cause environmental
pollution (water, air and landfill) and directly affect human health. However, the waste is not
efficiently managed, or there is need for focus. The main barriers to textile waste management
are lack of proven technology, lack of equipment, and lack of awareness amongst producers
about recycled and upcycled products. If a new technology is proposed for
recycle/upcycle/alternative product, there is need to assess market for the same.
The DRP therefore aims to explore textile waste and its management in Surat city.

Student DRP