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  • Urban Transport Infrastructure design for Surat city

Durga Prasad V.


Urban Transport Infrastructure design for Surat city

At present Surat Railway Station area faces congestion problems.In turn the junctions and roads leading to the station also face severe congestion problems.Therefore there is a need to reduce the trips generated to and from Surat Railway Station.
Also the stretch from Saharadarwaja to Mann darwaja accounts heavy flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic due to prevailing land use.
Hence the study area has been bringing in best possible design interventions.

Report Content

1. Decentralisation of railway Station.2. Urban infrastructure design for Sharadwarja to Mann-darwaja stretch.

Methodology and analysis for decentralisation

Conceptual design of railway stations

Fare structure and special bus services.

Delineation of study area

Prevailing issues at study area

Design considerations

Conceptual design of stretch

Conceptual design of stretch

Conceptual design of stretch