Patel Dhruvkumar Hemantkumar


'The Lantern'

A floating dry dock is a type of pontoon for dry docking ships, possessing floodable buoyancy chambers and a “U”-shaped cross-section. The walls are used to give the dry dock stability when the floor or deck is below the surface of the water. When valves are opened, the chambers fill with water, causing the dry dock to float lower in the water. The deck becomes submerged and this allow a ship to move inside. When the water is pumped out of the chambers, the dry dock rises and the ship is lifted out of the water on the rising deck, allowing work to proceed on the ship’s hull. When valves are opened, the chambers fill with water, causing the dry dock to float lower in the water. The deck becomes submerged and this allows a ship to be moved into position inside. When the water is pumped out of the chambers, the dry dock rises and the ship is lifted out of the water on the rising deck, allowing work to proceed on the ship’s hull. When valves are opened, the chambers fill with water, causing the dry dock to float lower in the water. The deck becomes submerged and this allows a ship to be moved into position inside. When the water is pumped out of the chambers, the dry dock rises and the ship is lifted out of the water on the rising deck, allowing work to proceed on the ship’s hull. 
 This is our site for rebuilding the Louise Catherine and opening up this vital space to the city of Bombay for viewing the reconstruction of one of the lesser known works of Le Corbusier. 
 What does it mean for the city of Bombay and how can we culturally relate to this program? Can memories of a sinking barge in Paris find refuge in the rough waters of the Arabian sea? 

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Isometric drawing of the imagined arrangement of the drydock ‘KIRAN’ and Louise-Catherine

Below deck level plan & above deck level plan of the arrangement of the reconstruction of Louise Catherine inside drydock ‘KIRAN’

Longitudinal sections of the Louise Catherine under construction inside drydock ‘KIRAN’

Section of Louise Catherine exiting the floating dry dock post reconstruction and its adaptation as a green house

Exploded planar axonometric drawing of the imagined arrangement of the drydock ‘KIRAN’ and Louise-Catherine, freely moored in Colaba bay

Rendered photo montage showing the seascape of grater Bombay from within the dry dock

Dry dock 'KIRAN' used as a floating forest

Drydock KIRAN used as a greenhouse. SPECTACLE 2045 ^The controlled environment creates a desert that grows several botanical species of cacti, an arid flowerbed from the Sub Saharan Africa. The reuse of the Drydock is modified to accommodate climate research through enacting Ecologically Controlled Environments studying climate in relation human adaptation

Drawing of the Louise Catherine used as a green house that grows several botanical species of cacti, an arid flowerbed from the Sub Saharan Africa

Model @ 1:25 of the Louise Catherine within the Drydock ‘KIRAN’ showing details of viewing platform and roof