Chauhan Nidhi Mahesh


Turning to Exploration-Turning to Rest

A rest space in the disarrayed environment,A space to take a break.
To feel the world slowing down,To feel unhitched from the surrounding.
Mild lights and mild sounds,Ambiguous taste and earthy smellsAnd of course, natural touches for emotional Grounding. 

Report Content

Ex1 Familiar Spaces

Ex2 Love Thy Neighborhood

Ex3 Illustrating Words

Case Study

Imaginative Spaces to Evoke Each Sense

Ideation and Conceptualization of Multisensory Spaces with Respect to The Site and Learnings from the Precedents -01

Ideation and Conceptualization of Multisensory Spaces with Respect to The Site and Learnings from the Precedents -02

Process Models and Drawings

Design Resolution for a Multisensory Space

Model Images and Visualization sketches

Project Video