
Faculty: Ashna Patel

Cultural Heritage Tourism as a potential tool for regeneration in Dharmaj, Gujarat

Tourism is arguably one of the most significant growth industries in the world. Many national and local economies across the world heavily depend on tourism-generated revenue for development and sustenance. Heritage-based tourism development has often been adopted as a response to challenges posed by the physical, economic, social and environmental decline in historic areas. Dharmaj, with its invaluable repository of tangible cultural heritage assets in the form of traditional settlement pattern, wooden architecture and Art Deco buildings, presents considerable potential to become an attractive destination for cultural tourism. Moreover, the strong association of the built environment with important phases of national history, migrant histories and caste/genealogical histories and progressive reforms by its erstwhile rulers provides opportunities for cross-cultural learning while engaging with the historic fabric. Tourism in Dharmaj will also provide an opportunity for regenerating declining parts of the town and contribute to the diversification and stimulation of its economy.

Student DRP