
Faculty: Ashna Patel

Provincial Urbanity of Dharmaj, Gujarat

Urban areas are complex systems that are persistently subjected to processes of physical, environmental, social, economic and cultural change. The transformation of key morphological elements of these areas such as land use, building structures, plot patterns, street patterns, open spaces and ecological features often indicates the town’s capacity to survive, adapt and grow in a holistic manner. The growth of Dharmaj, roughly since the beginning of the 20th century, has largely been characterised by institutional and infrastructural developments along with the formation of some new residential and industrial typologies. On the other hand, the transformation of the historic fabric of Dharmaj is a result of pressures of modifications and new construction within the old fabric. The continuous phenomenon of outmigration by its residents has led the historic built environment of Dharmaj to a dilapidated state due to lack of maintenance, ownership issues, neglect and abandonment. Considering this scenario, it become imperative for one to look into these seemingly dichotomic situation for a possibility to enhance the capacity for survival, adaptation and sustainable growth.

Student DRP