Mehta Shivani Hiren Asmi


The Community Farm

The narrative addresses the concern of the nature of modern water infrastructure on site - its large open areas, functioning and out of use structures as devoid of access and human activity. Taking cues from the small scale vegetable cultivation on site and proximity to the Sabarmati, the entirety of the site and riverfront is imagined as a vegetable farm encouraging people to participate as a community; the infrastructure of a defunct water treatment plant finds newer uses in storing and distributing water for irrigation, market places to sell the produce, and integration of other urban amenities. 

Report Content

Designing through narratives | A glimpse into the process

Designing through narratives | A glimpse into the process

Understanding the water infrastructure in the city | A Photo-journey

Site | Mapping and Analysis

Identifying concerns and building an intent for the narrative

Process | Writing the Narrative + Diagramming + Models + Creation of Storyboards

Narrative + Storyboards | Part I

Narrative + Storyboards | Part II

Narrative + Storyboards | Part III + Site Plan

Process Iterations + Final Storyboard

Project Video