Divyanshi Tulsian


KINSTUGI: Rekindling the Roots

A group of six friends who are like family, desire to restore the connection lost in personal hustle. They are young but life is catching up with them. They want a fresh beginning, an exploration of a new and sustainable way of life. Even the few days spent must give them a take -away for a lifetime. The site chosen is Japan, which provides one with an opportunity to spend some time in a minimal space where richness lies in the configuration of time and the raw sensory experiences. Encounter mindfulness through tranquil nooks and the joy of rejuvenating bonds through shared spaces for conversations, games, fun and frolic.

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Introduction: Case study, shaping the intangibles

Extraction of a toolbox suitable for the users

The Real Essence: Material palette and Diagrams

Spatial planning for the first level with a play of the four elements

Mezzanine plan with cozy capsules for sleeping and a common washroom

Spatial Order of the mezzanine with the sunrise portico

Sectional perspective: showcasing major areas

Longitudinal section depicting connection between the levels

Portrayal of how the levels come together

Views illustrating the experience