Dhruvanshi Jayeshbhai Modhwadia


Storytelling through Streets and Ladders

The Project was created by understanding the basic principles and ideas behind Graphic design that involved abstraction and learning about Type. The learnings were then applied to create a project based on the lives of street vendors.  A competitive card game that mimics their life and helps one understand who despite their struggles they stand tall, literally. To appreciate the efforts they put in, a universal experience we all go through it seemed only fair to portray their story of universal struggle they go through in the form of a visual medium that manifested itself into a Board Game. 

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Understanding the basic principles of Graphic Dessing

Decoding the basics of Abstraction & Typography

Using the learnings to create caricatures and delve deeper into the world of visual storytelling

Using the learnings to create a Humanoid Character out of an Object.

Creating a Space and Narrative for the character to dwell in to go a step further in storytelling

Embarking on the journey to create a board game by understanding the likings and shortcomings of Street Vendors

Using previous knowledge to explore themes, colors and ideas.

Creating the components of the game

Taking the game design further with the supplementary board game elements.

Packaging feel and outer appearance of the Game.